I hope you are all able to take some time off to spend with your family and friends. I am spending my weekend recharging and spending time with my kids (my animals) and my husband. :)
I realized last night that I completely forgot to take pictures this week! :( However, we are not completely done with our Brown Bear Unit, so there will still be pictures! So far, we have read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?" along with "Baby Bear, Baby Bear What Do You See?" and "Panda Bear, Panda Bear What Do You See?" They are all written by Bill Martin Jr. and illustrated by Eric Carle. I love these books and they are excellent for teaching skills such as sequencing and color words! It is also a good book for children to read because it is easy to remember the words and help them track print! Many excellent skills that they need to learn.
We did a sequencing activity for "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?". They had 1 hour to complete it, so if your child did not get it done they were given a sentence strip so they could complete it at home! :)
We were also working on numbers 3 and 4. You will notice that we are moving VERY slow with numbers (and letters) because I really want to make sure your student grasps number sense. I want them to be able to manipulate numbers that is easiest for them and that starts with understanding that there are different ways to show them.
I have introduced Daily 5. This is a reading block activity that allows students to work independently and gives me time to work in small groups. This also allows me to differentiate for students at their level. This means I can push students who are high while still helping those students struggling with a certain concept. I will also be incorporating this teaching style with Math.
In case you are not following Glendale Elementary School District on Facebook, then you missed all the amazing pictures that came from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! I was only one of many who took the challenge! Jim Cummings from our District Office was there to capture pictures of us the moment the water hit us! Here I am..

It was only cold for a little while and then heat warmed me right back up! :) There is also a video somewhere! When I locate it I will post it for you all to see. In the meantime be sure to like Glendale Elementary District and Bicentennial South Facebook pages!
Remember that Tuesday is picture day! I want to apologize for getting the papers out so late. They are in the BEE Binder (stay at home pocket). If you don't return the money on Tuesday there will still be time to order! :) We go at 9:45 on Tuesday that way your student doesn't spill on their outfit or run and get sweaty before picture time!
I will be posting a reminder post on Monday morning! Be sure to check in so that you remember all that is happening and going on this coming week!
Enjoy your long weekend!
Mrs. Leopold